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■51705 / ResNo.10)  はじめまして
□投稿者/ くぼ ゲスト(1回)-(2017/02/10(Fri) 22:11:55)

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■51728 / ResNo.11)  Re[1]: 府中、国分寺周辺メンバー募集!
□投稿者/ Karson ゲスト(1回)-(2017/03/30(Thu) 11:40:48)
    Hmmmm.  Could be helpful, could lead to a know-it-all attitude on the part of health care providers and a failure to listen to the patient when it comes to specifics of their ex.Tirencepehe hallucinations you describe, for example, don't sound anything like the ones I and others I know have had.  It's a bit like telling someone that you're bipolar and hearing a lecture about what bipolar is all about based on a book they'd read once.  With me, it often proves that they've embraced a Hollywood version of the disease and I don't really feel understood.

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