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■162 / 1階層)  募集中
□投稿者/ name ゲスト(74回)-(2008/05/07(Wed) 04:09:09) [ID:1ErF4hy6]
    I can't be bothered with anything. Pretty much nothing seems worth bothering with, but I don't care. I just don't have anything to say right now. Not much on my mind these days, but I guess it doesn't bother me. My life's been really bland these days, but whatever., 

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Nomal 募集中 / バックボーン (07/11/23(Fri) 21:44) [ID:DoCoMo/M702iS(c100;TB;W24H13)] [#113]
Nomal NO TITLE / バックボーン (07/12/07(Fri) 14:24) [ID:DoCoMo/M702iS(c100;TB;W24H13)] [#115]
Nomal NO TITLE / バックボーン (07/12/14(Fri) 21:00) [ID:DoCoMo/M702iS(c100;TB;W24H13)] [#121]
│└Nomal Re[2]: NO TITLE / まさと (08/01/11(Fri) 06:55) [ID:bQT82Xah] [#122]
Nomal NO TITLE / 灰 (08/02/07(Thu) 15:41) [ID:DoCoMo/D703i(c100;TB;W28H15)] [#125]
Nomal 募集中 / name (08/05/07(Wed) 04:09) [ID:1ErF4hy6] [#162] ←Now
Nomal Re[1]: 募集中 / sasakuraosamu (12/04/14(Sat) 22:31) [ID:xjeR99xF] [#525]
Nomal Re[1]: 募集中 / おさむ (18/03/14(Wed) 11:04) [#602]

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